Church of the Nativity

Old Rite Russian Orthodox

​An Old Rite parish of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR). We are located in Erie, PA.

Concerning the Holy Prosphora

The bread which we receive after the Divine Liturgy, known as Prosphora or 'Dora', is given especially to those who for some reason or other did not or could not prepare for the Holy Communion. This bread is the remainder of the loaves from which the small particles were taken out to be used in the Liturgy for the Holy Lamb and the other commemorative particles, and therefore it has a special blessing, although it is not the Body of Christ. The faithful should partake of this blessed bread with great piety, taking care that a single crumb does not fall astray, and then when it is consumed it is done with fasting, and not treated as an ordinary food. Some pious Orthodox Christians keep a number of small particles of Prosphora at home, and after their morning prayers partake of it, "instead of Holy Communion", as it was intended; in this way the whole week is sanctified and we continue to participate in the previously-celebrated Liturgy.